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XSharp.ADS Namespace

This namespace contains several types used by the Advantage RDDs in the RDD system.
Public classACE
the ACE class has all the constants and functions from the ACE API
Please look in the ADS documentation for more information about the functions and constants.
Tip Tip
There is a 32 bits API and a 64 bits API. The ACE class automatically dispatches to the right version of the API.
Public classACEUNPUB
the ACEUNPUB class has undocumented constants and functions from the ACE API
Tip Tip
There is a 32 bits API and a 64 bits API. The ACEUNPUB class automatically dispatches to the right version of the API.
Public classADSADT
This class allows to open the proprietry ADT format using the Advantage driver
Public classAdsCharacterColumn
Class for reading / writing String Columns
Public classAdsColumn
Class for Ads Column reading / writing
Public classAdsDateColumn
Class for reading / writing Date Columns
Public classAdsError
The AdsRDD class.
Public classADSIndex
Advantage Index support.
Public classAdsLogicColumn
Class for reading / writing Logic Columns
Public classADSMemo
Advantage Memo support.
Public classAdsMemoColumn
Class for reading / writing Memo Columns.
Public classAdsNumericColumn
Class for reading / writing Numeric Columns
Public classADSRDD
The base AdsRDD class from which all Advantage RDDs for X# inherit.
Public classAXDBFCDX
Public classAXDBFNTX
Public classAXDBFVFP
Public classAXSQLADT
This class allows to open the proprietry ADT format with SQL Syntax using the Advantage driver
Public classAXSQLCDX
Public classAXSQLNTX
Public classAXSQLRDD
Base class for all advantage SQL RDDs.
Public classAXSQLVFP
Structure used by the ADS MGMT API to return information about the server's activity.
See the ADS documentation for a description of this structure.
Public structureADS_MGMT_COMM_STATS
Structure used by the ADS MGMT API to return information about the server's communication statistics.
See the ADS documentation for a description of this structure.
Structure used by the ADS MGMT API to return information about the server's memory configuration.
See the ADS documentation for a description of this structure.
Structure used by the ADS MGMT API to return information about the configuration parameters.
See the ADS documentation for a description of this structure.
Public structureADS_MGMT_INDEX_INFO
Structure used by the ADS MGMT API to return information about an index.
See the ADS documentation for a description of this structure.
Structure used by the ADS MGMT API to return information about the installation.
See the ADS documentation for a description of this structure.
Public structureADS_MGMT_RECORD_INFO
Structure used by the ADS MGMT API to return information about a locked record.
See the ADS documentation for a description of this structure.
Public structureADS_MGMT_TABLE_INFO
Structure used by the ADS MGMT API to return information about a table.
See the ADS documentation for a description of this structure.
Structure used by the ADS MGMT API to return information about worker threads.
See the ADS documentation for a description of this structure.
Public structureADS_MGMT_UPTIME_INFO
Structure used by the ADS MGMT API to return information about the server's uptime.
See the ADS documentation for a description of this structure.
Public structureADS_MGMT_USAGE_INFO
Structure used by the ADS MGMT API to return information about the server's usage.
See the ADS documentation for a description of this structure.
Public structureADS_MGMT_USER_INFO
Structure used by the ADS MGMT API to return information about users.
See the ADS documentation for a description of this structure.
Public delegateCallbackFn
Delegate used by some advantage progress functions
Public delegateCallbackFn101
Delegate used by some advantage progress functions
Public enumerationAceError
List of possible Advantage Error codes
Public enumerationAceTrigEvent
List of possible Trigger event codes
Public enumerationAceTrigOptions
List of possible Trigger option codes
Public enumerationAceTrigType
List of possible Trigger type codes
Public enumerationAceValidate
List of possible Validation codes
Public enumerationAdsCharTypes
List of possible character types and collations.
Public enumerationAdsFieldType
List of possible field types.