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Error xs0246 solved! New error XS9002

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:57 pm
by Chris
Hi Gian,

Ah right, you need to use a combination of OrdCondSet() and OrdCreate() for that.

I did an experiment, took the UDC from VO, adjusted it a little bit and it seems to work. If you'd like to give it a try, add this definition in the beginning of your prg:

Code: Select all

#command INDEX ON <key>     ;
     [TAG <order>]  ;
     [TO <file>]  ;
     [FOR <fo>]     ;
     [<all:ALL>]    ;
     [WHILE <wh>]   ;
     [NEXT <nx>]    ;
     [RECORD <rec>] ;
     [<rs:REST>]    ;
     [EVAL <ev>]    ;
     [EVERY <evr>]  ;
     [<u:UNIQUE>]   ;
     [<asd:ASCENDING>]      ;
     [<dsd:DESCENDING>]     ;
     [<lCur:USECURRENT>]    ;
     [<lAdd:ADDITIVE>]      ;
     [<lCus:CUSTOM>]        ;
     [<lNop:NOOPTIMIZE>]    ;
    => OrdCondSet( <fo>, <{fo}>,  ;
     [<.all.>],     ;
     <{wh}>,        ;
     <{ev}>, <evr>, ;
     RecNo(), <nx>, <rec>,  ;
     [<.rs.>], [<.dsd.>],   ;
     <.lAdd.>, [<.lCur.>], [<.lCus.>], [<.lNop.>] )      ;
    ;;  ;
       OrdCreate(<(file)>,<(order)>,<(key)>,,IF(<.u.>,.T., NIL))
and then you can call it with

Code: Select all

INDEX ON CHIAVE TAG CHIAVE TO filename.cdx EVAL {||oSelf:DOProgress( 2 )} EVERY 10
The above directive will be cleaned up and will be properly added to the standard X# macros in one of the next builds.


Error XS9002 solved too: thanks Chris! And now: CATO3CNT.DLL

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:25 am
by Gfb22
By adding the #command definition suggested by Chris XIDE compiles without errors.
The app is loaded regularly but when a DATABROWSER is loaded it gives the error "Cannot load library: CATO3CNT.DLL / FuncSym: DATABROWSER: LOADCONTAINERDLL"
Which DLL X # should be loaded into the library to avoid this runtime error?
Thank you!

Error XS9002 solved too: thanks Chris! And now: CATO3CNT.DLL

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:28 am
by FFF
You have to copy all of the Cato* DLLs to your bin folder

Error XS9002 solved too: thanks Chris! And now: CATO3CNT.DLL

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:30 am
by wriedmann
Hi Gian Ferruccio,
there is no DLL to add to your project, you have only to make sure that this DLL is in the bin folder of your application.
The VO GUI classes loads these DLLs dynamically (as VO does).
It may be the best to copy all the CATO*.dll from your VO bin folder there.

Everything works :-)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 10:36 am
by Gfb22
Well: I thought the Cato * .DDLs were not compatible with X # and I hadn't looked in C: Program Files (x86) XSharp Redist.
Amm3nov.jpg (13.96 KiB) Viewed 1571 times
. Thank you!
Next step: switch to using bBrowse ... see you soon :-)

Everything works :-)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 9:06 am
by Chris
Hi Gian,

Glad to see you're making progress! For bBrowser, you'll need the X# version from https://www.bbrowser.net/index.php/en/

Everything works :-)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 2:08 pm
by Gfb22
Yes: I bought bBrowser.NET 4 (XSharp Edition).
I searched the documentation on line and the help and did some testing but, with my limited knowledge, I was unable to import the examples into XIDE to test and learn from them.
There is other documentation explaining how to get started?
Surely these are simple procedures but for me, now...

Everything works :-)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 4:12 pm
by Chris
Hi Gian,

In the bBrowser installation folder, there must be a XIDE folder, right? Below it there must be a "samples: folder, please copy htis folder somewhere outside the Program Files fodler structure, then open it, and it must contain a "bBrowser.NET 4 Samples (XSharp Edition).xiproj" file, or something similar. Double click that file, select XIDE.exe as the program to open it and now it should open in XIDE.

There's also one more step needed, in order to put bBrowser in the XIDE toolbox. Please search for a file cavowed.inf under your bBrowser installation folder, then copy it in C:XIDEConfig (or in which folder you have installed XIDE), restart XIDE and now it should be available in the toolbox.

bBrowse: and now?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 9:10 am
by Gfb22
Hi Chris,
...and now?
I followed your instructions and also tried to rebuild project but, when I quit XIDE and then restart nothing happens and I can't even reopen the example project ...
(... I have no hurry because in the meantime I have many other improvements to do)...
Thank you
bBrow1.jpg (41.71 KiB) Viewed 1571 times
bBrow2.jpg (17.03 KiB) Viewed 1571 times

bBrowse: and now?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 3:52 pm
by Chris
HI Gian,

Can you please give some more information, what do you mean nothing happens, and why can't you reopen the project, are you getting an error or similar?