VO migration using XIDE
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 7:20 am
Now that the nex xPorter/VO is available, here is the code I use in my XIDE plugin to launch the VO migration application per application (and I'm able to repeat that very often):
This way the xPorter writes the prg files to the XIDE applications folder, and if I port an application the first time, I can add it using "Add application", otherwise I can only recompile because the prg files are already replaced by the new ones.
P.S. I can also share my plugin if required
Code: Select all
method ExecuteVOXPorter( o as object, e as EventArgs ) as void
local oRegKey as Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
local cXPorterPath as string
local cDestPath as string
local oCommand as Process
local oInfo as ProcessStartInfo
oRegKey := Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine:OpenSubKey( "SoftwareXSharpBVXSharp" )
cXPorterPath := Path.Combine( oRegKey:GetValue( "XSharpPath" ):ToString(), "VOXPorterVOXPorter.exe" )
cDestPath := self:GetProjectAppFolder()
oCommand := Process{}
oInfo := oCommand:StartInfo
oInfo:FileName := cXPorterPath
oInfo:Arguments := String.Format( e"/d:"{0}" /nowarning", cDestPath )
oInfo:UseShellExecute := false
oInfo:RedirectStandardOutput := false
oInfo:RedirectStandardInput := false
P.S. I can also share my plugin if required