xsharp.eu • XIDE Adventure
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XIDE Adventure

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 2:22 pm
by OhioJoe
When I run a test application in XIDE it shows a black error screen that quickly disappears.
How can I capture that error?
Is it saved somewhere? Is there a setting I've missed?

Re: XIDE Adventure

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 2:46 pm
by wriedmann
Hi Joe,
what is your Start() method? And are you talking about a VOGUI Classes application?
Anyway: try to put similar code in your Start() method:

Code: Select all

function Start() as void


	// Ein eigenes APP-Object setzen
	oApp		:= EnhancedApp{}
	__SetAppObject( oApp )


	catch oEx as Exception

	VOXSErrorHandler.ProcessException( oEx )

	end try

	return 0
And this is my Error handler:

Code: Select all

static class VOXSErrorHandler
static constructor()
static method UnhandledException( Sender as object, e as UnhandledExceptionEventArgs ) as void
	VOXSErrorHandler.ProcessException( ( Exception ) e:ExceptionObject )

static method ProcessException( oException as Exception ) as void
	local cMessage 			as string
	cMessage 		:= oException:Message
	VOXSErrorHandler.WriteErrorLog( oException )
	do while oException:InnerException != NULL_OBJECT
		oException 		:= oException:InnerException
		VOXSErrorHandler.WriteErrorLog( oException )
		cMessage 		+= CRLF + oException:Message
	VOXSErrorHandler.ErrBox( cMessage )
static method WriteErrorLog( oException as Exception ) as void
	local cFileName			as string
	// local cErrorText		as string
	local oSB				as StringBuilder

	cFileName		:= Path.Combine( AppDomain.CurrentDomain:BaseDirectory, "XSharpError.log" )
	oSB				:= StringBuilder{ String.Format( "Error occurred in {0} at {1}", Assembly.GetEntryAssembly():Location, DateTime.Now:ToString() ) }
	oSB:AppendLine( "------------------------------------------------------------" )
	oSB:AppendLine( oException:Message )
	oSB:AppendLine( "Callstack:" )
	oSB:AppendLine( oException:StackTrace )
	oSB:AppendLine( "" )
	File.AppendAllText( cFileName, oSB:ToString() )
static method ErrBox( cText as string ) as void
	local oParent	as object
    local oBox      as TextBox

	oParent		:= GetObjectByHandle( GetActiveWindow() )
	if oParent == null_object
		oParent		:= nil
    oBox        := TextBox{ oParent, "Error", cText }
    oBox:Type   := BOXICONHAND
    oBox:Beep   := true


end class	
After an exception you should find a XSharpError.log file in your application folder.
To have code lines in it you have to compile with Debug set to on.


Re: XIDE Adventure

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 4:37 pm
by FFF
i'd suspect, your app is a console app and in Xide unter Tools/Preferences/General the setting "Add pause in console applications" is NOT set. Set it, and the screen will stay ;-)

Re: XIDE Adventure

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 10:01 pm
by OhioJoe
Thank you both. It is a console app that I'm using to test some basic SQL routines.

Karl: That box is checked.

Wolfgang: I'll try to write an error handler based on the example you provided.

The adventure continues!

Re: XIDE Adventure

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 7:14 am
by Chris
Hi Joe,

A cut down sample from Wolfgang's more sophisticated error handler, that will also do the job for simple test apps:

Code: Select all


// do stuff

CATCH e AS Exception
	? "Error happened:"
	? e:ToString()