xsharp.eu • VO: Sort Directory by date and time
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VO: Sort Directory by date and time

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:37 pm
by Jamal

Does anyone have a function to sort the files returned by the Directory() function by date and time?


VO: Sort Directory by date and time

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 4:20 am
by wriedmann
Hi Jamal,
that should be easy:

Code: Select all

aDir := Directory( "*.*" )
ASort( aDir,,,{|a1,a2| a1[F_DATE] < a2[F_DATE] .or ( a1[F_DATE == a2[F_DATE .and. a1[F_TIME] <= a2[F_TIME] ) } )

VO: Sort Directory by date and time

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 4:49 am
by Jamal
Hi Wolfgang,

Thank you! With some minor corrections of missing brackets and the dot after .OR., it works great.

Code: Select all

aDir := Directory( "*.*" )
ASort( aDir,,, {|a1,a2| a1[F_DATE] < a2[F_DATE] .or. ( a1[F_DATE] == a2[F_DATE] .and. a1[F_TIME] <= a2[F_TIME] ) } )

VO: Sort Directory by date and time

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 4:54 am
by wriedmann
Hi Jamal,
ok, the bracket had I seen myself after posting, but the missing dot not....
I like the ASort() function very much! And I'm needing it very, very often!
Unfortunately the sorting routines in .NET are a bit harder to code, but they work in a similar manner.

VO: Sort Directory by date and time

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 6:15 am
by Jamal
Hi Wolfgang,

In X#, I created the following sample function which is based on a similar c# code.

Code: Select all

USING System
USING System.Collections.Generic
USING System.Linq
USING System.Text
using System.IO

        local path as string	
	local filesArray as FileInfo[]
	path := "C:somefolder"
	filesArray := DirectoryInfo{path}:GetFiles("*.*")
	Array.Sort(filesArray, {x as FileInfo , y as FileInfo => Comparer<DateTime>.Default:Compare(x:CreationTime, y:CreationTime)})

       //  the above can be also written as:
       //  Array.Sort(filesArray, {x, y => Comparer<DateTime>.Default:Compare(x:CreationTime, y:CreationTime)})
	foreach fi as FileInfo in filesArray 
		Console.WriteLine(fi:FullName + " " + fi:CreationTime:ToString())
Hope it helps someone B)

VO: Sort Directory by date and time

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:41 am
by VR
Linq is your friend ;-)

Code: Select all

var files := DirectoryInfo{"C:"}:GetFiles("*.*"):OrderBy({q => q:CreationTime}):ToList()

VO: Sort Directory by date and time

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:12 pm
by Jamal
Hi VR,

One liners are great and Linq is very powerful! Thanks for the contribution.