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Please note that event handling is not supported in the current version of Xs2Ado


The RecordsetChangeComplete event is called after the Recordset has changed



METHOD RecordSetChangeComplete ( lReason, oError, lStatus, oRecordSet )  CLASS AdoRecordSetEvents



lReason        An EventReasonEnum value that specifies the reason for this event

oError        An Error object. It describes the error that occurred if the value of lStatus is adStatusErrorsOccurred; otherwise it is not set

lStatus        An AdoEventStatusEnum status value

oRecordSet        A Recordset object. The Recordset for which this event occurred




When RecordsetChangeComplete is called, the lStatus parameter is set to adStatusOK if the operation that caused the event was successful, adStatusErrorsOccurred if the operation failed, or adStatusCancel if the operation associated with the previously accepted WillChangeRecordset event has been canceled


See Also

AdoRecordSetEvents, AdoEventReasonEnum, AdoEventStatusEnum, AdoError