Returns a 2-dimensional array with all the values of the RecordSetOption Enum.
Every row in this array has 2 values:
• | The numeric value of the Enum value |
• | A text representation of this value |
This array can be used to validate values, and to print a ,meaningful description of the values during debugging
You can pass this array tro the DaoEnum2Str() function to convert the value of an Enum to a string
Constant | Description |
dbDenyWrite | Prevents other users from changing Recordset records (Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbDenyRead | Prevents other users from reading Recordset records (table-type in Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbReadOnly | Opens the Recordset as read-only (Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbAppendOnly | Allows user to add new records to the dynaset, but prevents user from reading existing records (dynaset-type in Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbInconsistent | Applies updates to all dynaset fields, even if other records are affected (dynaset- and snapshot-type in Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbConsistent | Applies updates only to those fields that will not affect other records in the dynaset (dynaset- and snapshot-type in Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbSQLPassThrough | Sends an SQL statement to an ODBC database (snapshot-type in Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbForwardOnly | Creates a forward-only scrolling snapshot-type Recordset (snapshot-type in Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbSeeChanges | Generates a run-time error if another user is changing data you are editing (dynaset-type in Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbRunAsync | Executes the query asynchronously (ODBCDirect workspaces only). |
dbExecDirect | Executes the query without first calling the SQLPrepare ODBC function (ODBCDirect workspaces only). |
See Also