You use Recordset objects to manipulate data in a database at the record level
AbsolutePosition | Returns or sets the relative record number of the current record |
BatchCollisions | Returns an aray of bookmarks that had collisions during last updatebatch call |
BatchSize | The number of statements sent back to the server in each batch |
BOF | True if the current record position is past the last record |
Bookmark | Uniquely identifies a particular record in a Recordset |
Bookmarkable | Indicates whether a Recordset supports bookmarks |
CacheSize | Number of records to be locally cached from an ODBC data source |
CacheStart | The bookmark of the first record to be cached from an ODBC data source |
Collect | Allows you to directly read or write field values, without having to use the fields collection |
DateCreated | Date and time when the underlying base table was created |
EditMode | Indicates the state of editing for the current record |
EOF | True if the current record position is past the last record |
Fields | (Default) Collection of Field objects |
Filter | Defines a filter to apply to a subsequently opened Recordset |
Index | Name of the current Index object (table-type Recordset only) |
Lastmodified | The bookmark of the last record modified in the recordset |
LastUpdated | Date and time when the underlying base table was last updated |
LockEdits | Specifies optimistic or pessimistic locking during edits |
Name | The name of this object |
NoMatch | Indicates whether a record was found using the Seek or a Find() Method |
PercentPosition | Indicates or changes the approximate location of the current record |
RecordCount | The number of records accessed in the Recordset |
RecordStatus | The update status of the current record if it is part of a batch update |
Restartable | Indicates whether the Recordset supports the Requery() Method |
Sort | Defines a sort order for a subsequently opened Recordset |
Transactions | Indicates whether the Recordset supports transactions |
TYPE | Indicates the data type of the object |
Updatable | Indicates whether records in the Recordset can be updated |
UpdateOptions | How is the WHERE clause constructed for each record during a batch update |
ValidationRule | Specifies an expression that must evaluate True for a successful update |
AddNew | Add a new record to the recordset |
Cancel | Cancels execution of a pending asynchronous method call |
Clone | Creates a duplicate recordset |
Close | Close the open Recordset object |
CopyQueryDef | Returns a copy of the QueryDef that created the Recordset |
Delete | Delete a record from a recordset |
Edit | Copies the current record from an updatable Recordset object to the copy buffer for subsequent editing. |
FillCache | Fills the cache for an ODBC derived Recordset |
FindFirst | Locate the first record that satisfies the criteria |
FindLast | Locate the last record that satisfies the criteria |
FindNext | Locate the next record that satisfies the criteria |
FindPrevious | Locate the previous record that satisfies the criteria |
GetRows | Fetches multiple records into an array |
Move | Reposition relative to the current position or a bookmark |
MoveFirst | Move to the first record in the Recordset |
MoveLast | Reposition relative to the current position or a bookmark |
MoveNext | Move to the next record in the Recordset |
NextRecordSet | Gets the next set of records, if any, returned by a multi-part select query |
NoIVarGet | Maps access of unknown Instance variable to read field value |
NoIVarPut | Maps assignment to unknown Instance variable to write field value |
Requery | Re-executes the query the recordset is based on |
Seek | Locates the record in an indexed table-type |
Update | Saves the contents of the copy buffer to an updatable Recordset object |
Inherits from
See Also