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DaoQuery Class

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A DaoQuery Objects allows you to access Dao Data for recordssets of type Snapshot & Dynaset



Append        Append a blank record to the recordset

ClearRelation        Clear a relation (or all relations) held by this server to other servers

FindFirst        Locate the first record that satisfies the criteria

FindLastLocate the last record that satisfies the criteria
FindNextLocate the next record that satisfies the criteria
FindPreviousLocate the previous record that satisfies the criteria
InitCreate new DaoQuery object
OrderByChange the order of the current Query
RelationReturn the linking expression of a specified relation.
SeekLocate the first record that satisfies the criteria
SetRelationSet a relation from this server to the child server
SetSelectiveRelationSet a selective relation from this server to the child server

Requery        Re-executes the query the recordset is based on

Where        Specify a WHERE condition


Inherits from
