The DaoLongBinary Class is a support class that holds the LongBinary values.
Progid | Returns the ProgId of the OleObject that is stored in the DaoLongBinary object |
SafeArray | Returns the LongBinary values in the form of an OLE Safe Array. For internal use only |
Value | Returns the DaoLongBinary objects in the form of a string |
AsString | Returns the descriptive name of the Object that is stored in the DaoLongBinary object. This name is read from the registry, using the Progid of the Ole Server. |
Init | Creates a new DaoLongBinary Object. Accepts 3 kinds of arguments: |
• | Windows SafeArray |
• | The string representation of a DaoOleObject |
• | Another DaoLongBinary object |
In this release there is limited support for LongBinary values. You can copy the values from one record to another, but there is no support to edit or display the values on DataWindows and./or dialogwindows.
See Also
LOCAL oDb AS DaoDatabase
LOCAL oEng AS DaoDbEngine
LOCAL oRs AS DaoRecordSet
LOCAL osrv AS Daoserver
LOCAL oPict AS DaoLongBinary
oEng := DaoDbEngine{}
oDb := oEng:OpenDatabase("C:\VO2Jet\Northwind.mdb")
oRs := oDb:OpenRecordset("Categories",DbopenDynaset)
// First show how you can copy LongBinary fields using the DaoLongBinary object that is
// returned from the RecordSet:Collect access
// Copy picture of first record
oPict := oRs["Picture"]:Value
// Show the description of the kind of object
// (Qout calls the AsString() method of the DaoLongBinary method)
? oPict
// Add new record
// No need (and no way !) to set category number, that's a AutoNumber field
oRs[2]:Value := "New category" // Category name
oRs[3]:Value := "New category description" // Description
oRs["Picture"]:Value := oLongBin // Picture
oSrv := DaoServer{oRs}
// Now access the same recordset through the DaoServer class
// that treats LongBinary fields as Memo Fields
// First get the picture (this time in the form of a string)
// and show the part of string in hex mode
cPict := oSrv:FIELDGET(#Picture)
? Left(AsHexString(cPict),80)
// Append new record and set the values
oSrv:FIELDPUT(2,"Another category") // Category name
oSrv:FIELDPUT(3,"Another description") // Description
oSrv:FIELDPUT(4, cPict) // Picture