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DaoLockTypeEnum() Function

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Returns a 2-dimensional array with all the values of the Locktype Enum.



Every row in this array has 2 values:

The numeric value of the Enum value
A text representation of this value


This array can be used to validate values, and to print a ,meaningful description of the values during debugging

You can pass this array tro the DaoEnum2Str() function to convert the value of an Enum to a string


Constant Description
dbReadOnly Prevents users from making changes to the Recordset (default for ODBCDirect workspaces). You can use dbReadOnly in either the options argument or the lockedits argument, but not both. If you use it for both arguments, a run-time error occurs.
dbPessimistic Uses pessimistic locking to determine how changes are made to the Recordset in a multiuser environment. The page containing the record you're editing is locked as soon as you use the Edit method (default for Microsoft Jet workspaces).
dbOptimistic Uses optimistic locking to determine how changes are made to the Recordset in a multiuser environment. The page containing the record is not locked until the Update method is executed.
dbOptimisticValue Uses optimistic concurrency based on row values (ODBCDirect workspaces only).
dbOptimisticBatch Enables batch optimistic updating (ODBCDirect workspaces only).





See Also
