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Dao Properties

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All objects in DAO have properties. There are two types of properties:

The first type of properties are the standard properties. For all of the standard properties there are accesses and assigns in the classes. You can also access those properties through the properties collection that the DAO objects have.

Not all of those properties can be changed. Some properties are read-only and have only an access, some others ( for example password) are write-only and have only an assign.

Some DAO objects also support user defined properties. The classes that support that have a CreateProperty method. Those properties can only be accessed through the properties collection

The classes that support user defined properties are:









When you access DAO through Visual Basic, sometimes properties are omitted in the code, because Visual Basic supports a concept called default properties. For example, the code


 a = rs!FirstName

is equivalent to

 a = rs!FirstName.Value

is also equivalent to

 a = rs:Fields("FirstName").Value


Here, Value is the default property of the Field object, and Fields the default collection of the recordset object. Because VO has no equivalent syntax, you have to ask for the default property by name:


 a := rs:Fields[Item,"FirstName"]:Value


Note that for this particular call, note that the performance of this code could be improved by using the Collect access:

 a := rs:[Collect,"FirstName"]