The following text is a copy of Microsoft's instructions on how to install the Dao & Jet engine files on your end users machines. Some commercial installation programs have the information about Dao & Jet already avaliable. If you have to install yourself, please read these instructions very carefully !
We have also included a sample VO program with VO2Jet that you can use to install DAO on the end user's machine.
To distribute an application that uses DAO, you must install the redistributable portions of DAO. Depending whether your application uses the Microsoft Jet Engine or ODBCDirect workspaces, you must also install either the redistributable portions of the Microsoft Jet Database Engine, or the redistributable portions of the Remote Database Objects (RDO) or both.
The easiest way to install the Ms Jet engine on your end users machine is to install the file 'Jet 4 Service Pack 3' that can be found on the Microsoft download page: