Returns a 2-dimensional array with all the values of the FieldAttribute Enum.
Every row in this array has 2 values:
• | The numeric value of the Enum value |
• | A text representation of this value |
This array can be used to validate values, and to print a ,meaningful description of the values during debugging
You can pass this array tro the DaoEnum2Str() function to convert the value of an Enum to a string
Constant | Description |
dbAutoIncrField | The field value for new records is automatically incremented to a unique Long integer that can't be changed (in a Microsoft Jet workspace, supported only for Microsoft Jet database(.mdb) tables). |
dbDescending | The field is sorted in descending (Z to A or 100 to 0) order; this option applies only to a Field object in a Fields collection of an Index object. If you omit this constant, the field is sorted in ascending (A to Z or 0 to 100) order. This is the default value for Index and TableDef fields (Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbFixedField | The field size is fixed (default for Numeric fields). |
dbHyperlinkField | The field contains hyperlink information (Memo fields only). |
dbSystemField | The field stores replication information for replicas; you can't delete this type of field (Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbUpdatableField | The field value can be changed. |
dbVariableField | The field size is variable (Text fields only). |
See Also