The following compiler options are sorted by category. For an alphabetical list, see: X# Compiler Options Listed Alphabetically
Option |
Purpose |
Specifies the dialect to use when compiling. The following values are supported: Core, VO, Vulcan, dBase, FoxPro, Xbase++ and Harbour. Work on the VO and Vulcan dialects has started. |
Option |
Purpose |
Allow the DOT (.) character as operator for instance members |
Allow assignments with a single Equals operator (=) |
Specifies that arrays are zero-based rather than one-based |
Specifies that the compiler should use case-sensitive type names |
Instruct the compiler to emit debugging information. (short for /debug) |
Enforce the use of the OVERRIDE keyword to override methods from parent classes in subclasses |
Enforce the use of SELF: to access fields, properties and methods inside a class |
Specifies that exceptions will be raised on invalid floating point operations |
Classes are assumed to inherit from the Custom class |
Compatible FoxPro Array support |
Specifies a directory to add to the #include file search path |
Initialize all local variables |
Use implicit namespace lookup mechanism |
Specifies that the compiler should generate late bound calls when necessary |
Enables support for memory variables |
Disable certain legacy compiler options |
Specifies whether to allow named arguments in the parser or not. |
Suppress generation of empty $Init1() and $Exit() functions |
-norun |
Obsolete compiler option in X#, inherited from Vulcan. To achieve this simply remove the references to the runtime DLLs and compile in the Core dialect |
Suppresses preprocessor definitions in XSharpDefs.xh |
Specify the default namespace for the output assembly |
Specifies that exceptions will be raised on integer overflows |
Lists #include files in compiler output |
Signs assembly with strong name key pair |
Enables support for undeclared variables |
Use Init and Axit methods in stead of Constructors and Destructors |
Initialize STRING variables, fields and DIM arrays to empty strings |
Treats All Methods As VIRTUAL |
Allows implicit signed/unsigned integer conversions |
Implicit CLIPPER Calling Convention for Zero-Argument Functions |
Resolves typed function pointers to PTR |
Allows compatible implicit casts and conversions |
Enables compatible preprocessor behavior |
Allows missing RETURN statements |
Enables compatible IIF behavior |
Enables Visual Objects compatible arithmetic conversions |
Enables Clipper compatible integer divisions |
Enables Visual Objects compatible string comparisons |
Insert floating point literals as FLOAT |
Allow untyped Locals and return types |
Automatically generate Clipper calling convention constructors for classes without constructor |
This option is not supported; use -NoWarn in stead |
Treats all warnings as errors (alias for -warnaserror) |
All classes inherit from the Abstract class |
Option |
Purpose |
Specifies the size of sections in the output file. |
Enables/disables optimizations. |
Option |
Purpose |
Specifies an XML file where processed documentation comments are to be written. |
Specify the name of the source module. |
Specifies the output file. |
Specify a mapping for source path names output by the compiler. |
Specifies the file name and location of the .pdb file. |
Specify the output platform. |
Specify a language for compiler output. |
Specifies the format of the output file using one of five options: /target:appcontainerexe, /target:exe, /target:library, /target:module, /target:winexe, or /target:winmdobj. |
Specify filename that will be updated with list of files read and written by the compiler |
Option |
Purpose |
Run the analyzers from this assembly (Short form: /a) |
Names additional files that do not directly affect code generation but may be used by analyzers for producing errors or warnings. |
Specifies one or more modules to be part of this assembly. |
Instructs the compiler to add the public key but to leave the assembly unsigned. |
Specifies the name of the cryptographic key container. |
Specifies the filename containing the cryptographic key. |
Specifies the location of assemblies referenced by means of /reference. |
Instructs the compiler not to import the standard library (mscorlib.dll). |
Imports metadata from a file that contains an assembly. |
Option |
Purpose |
Dump the abstract syntax tree for each source file (.ast extension) |
Specifies whether integer arithmetic that overflows the bounds of the data type will cause an exception at run time. |
Instruct the compiler to emit debugging information. |
Output line and column of the end location of each error |
Sets error reporting behavior. |
Specifies the absolute path to the file in compiler output. |
Tells the compiler to only lex the source code. |
Suppresses the compiler's generation of specified warnings. |
This compiler option tells the compiler to lex and parse the code. |
Specify a rule set file that disables specific diagnostics. |
Sets the warning level. |
Promotes warnings to errors. |
This is an alias for the -warnaserror option |
Option |
Purpose |
Defines preprocessor symbols. |
Specifies a directory to add to the #include file search path |
Writes preprocessor output to file |
Suppresses preprocessor definitions in XSharpDefs.xh |
Show the defines that are added from the header files and their usage |
Lists #include files in compiler output |
-verbose |
Shows includes, source file names, defines and more. on the console |
Option |
Purpose |
Makes COM type information in specified assemblies available to the project. |
Creates a link to a managed resource. |
Embeds a .NET Framework resource into the output file. |
Prefer native resource (if any) over resources generated from managed assembly properties |
Specifies an .ico file to insert into the output file. |
Specifies a Win32 resource to insert into the output file. |
Option |
Purpose |
Specifies a response file. |
Lists compiler options to stdout. |
Specify an application configuration file containing assembly binding settings |
Specifies the preferred base address at which to load a DLL. |
Specify the algorithm for calculating the source file checksum stored in PDB. Supported values are: SHA1 (default) or SHA256. |
Specifies the code page to use for all source code files in the compilation. |
Lists compiler options to stdout. |
Specifies that the executable file supports address space layout randomization (ASLR). |
Specify language version mode: core, VO, Vulcan, Harbour, FoxPro, dBase |
Specifies the location of the Main method. |
Instructs the compiler not to compile with xsc.rsp. |
Suppresses compiler banner information. |
Specifies whether to use concurrent build (+). |
Searches sub-directories for source files to compile. |
Syntax check only |
Use the shared compiler |
Specifies the minimum version of the subsystem that the executable file can use. |
Enables compilation of code that uses the unsafe keyword. |
Displays compiler output using UTF-8 encoding. |
Specify a user-defined Win32 application manifest file to be embedded into a executable file. |