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TEXT [INTO <VariableName> [TRIMMED]] |
[INTO <VariableName> WRAP] |
[INTO <VariableName> WRAP <cLineBreak> [TRIMMED]]


TEXT [TO PRINTER] | [TO FILE <cFilename>]



TextLines Specifies text to assign to the variable VarName


INTO <VariableName>Specifies the variable name to use for passing the contents of the TEXT...ENDTEXT. This variable should be of type string, or should allow that a string can be added to it. It does not have to be a local variable, it can also be a field in the current class or an expression (someVar:SomeField)


WRAP <cLineBreak>The optional parameter <cLineBreak> specifies a character string that is used to wrap lines.
The default value is CHR(13)+CHR(10) (carriage return and line feed). If WRAP is not specified, no line breaks will be inserted.


TRIMMEDThis optional parameter tells the preprocessor to remove all spaces from the beginning of the line if TEXT INTO .. is used.


TO FILE <cFilename><cFilename> indicates the name of a file where the text <Text> is optionally written. The name must contain the drive and path, if necessary. The file name can be specified either as a literal file name or as a character expression in parentheses. When the file name is specified without file extension, ".TXT" is used by default.


TO PRINTERIndicates that the text should be sent to the printer instead of to a file.






See also

#text directive

#endtext directive