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Subsystems of the X# Runtime

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Description of Various Subsystems




Low Level File IO

These functions are implemented in XSharp.Core.
There is an important difference between the implementation in XSharp.Core when compared to VO.
In VO the file handles returned from functions such as FCreate() and FOpen() are OS file handles. That means that you can also pass them directly to Win32 API Functions. In the X# Runtime that is no longer possible.
We use .Net FileStream objects for the File IO. The File handler returned (which is of the IntPtr type) is a unique key into a table where we are storing these File IO objects. The keys are generated from random numbering. You can't and shouldn't rely on the values of these keys.

Static Memory IO

The static memory subsystem allocates memory using the Marshal.AllocHGlobal functionality. Each memory block has 2 guard blocks that contain information about the group number, size and a magic number. We have also implemented memory groups.
Unlike in VO you cannot release all blocks in a group by simply closing the Memory Group.
If you want to enumerate allocated blocks you should first call MemTrace(TRUE) to enable block tracing.
Then create a function with the following prototype


Then call MemWalk and pass your function as parameter. The runtime will call your function and will pass in all memory blocks that have been allocated and not released yet.


Late Binding Support

The Runtime fully supports late binding. The late binding support still needs some optimizations.
We recommend to only use this when necessary. New code should either use the DYNAMIC type or try to use early bound code as much as possible.