Note | This command is defined in a header file and will be preprocessed by the X# preprocessor to a function call. If you disable the standard header (-nostddefs) files then this command will not be available. If you tell the compiler to use a different standard header file (-stddef ) then this command may also be not available |
Change the top boundary for scoping key values in the controlling order.
SET SCOPE TO [<uNewTop> [, <uNewBottom>]]
<uNewTop> | The top range of key values that will be included in the controlling order's current scope. <uNewTop> can be an expression that matches the data type of the key expression in the controlling order or a code block that returns the correct data type. |
<uNewBottom> | The bottom range of key values that will be included in the controlling order's current scope. <uNewBottom> can be an expression that matches the data type of the key expression in the controlling order or a code block that returns the correct data type. |
Note: If <uNewBottom> is not specified, <uNewTop> is taken for both the top and bottom range values. |
SET SCOPE, when used with no arguments, clears the top and bottom scopes; this is equivalent to OrdScope(0, NIL) followed by OrdScope(1, NIL). If <uNewTop> is specified alone, SET SCOPE sets the top and bottom scope to the indicated value (that is, OrdScope(0, <uNewTop>) followed by OrdScope(1, <uNewTop>). f both <uNewTop> and <uNewBottom> are specified, SET SCOPE sets the top and bottom scope as indicated (that is, OrdScope(0, <uNewTop>), followed by OrdScope(1, <uNewBottom>)).