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NoteThis command is defined in a header file and will be preprocessed by the X# preprocessor to a function call. If you disable the standard header (-nostddefs) files then this command will not be available. If you tell the compiler to use a different standard header file (-stddef ) then this command may also be not available


Move the pointer to the specified record.


GO[TO] <uRecID> | TOP | BOTTOM  [[IN|ALIAS] <workarea>]


<uRecID>The record to go to. The data type and interpretation of <uRecID> is determined by the RDD. For .DBF files, it is the record number. If <uRecID> does not exist, the work area is positioned to LastRec() + 1, and both EoF() and BoF() return TRUE.


TOPSpecifies the first logical record in the current work area.


BOTTOMSpecifies the last logical record in the current work area.


IN|ALIAS <workarea>Specifies the work area for which the operation must be performed


Visibility: Even though a particular record may not be visible (because, for example, of DbSetFilter(), SetDeleted(TRUE), or a conditional controlling order), you can still go to that record.


This example saves the current record number, searches for a key, then restores the record pointer to the saved position:


FUNCTION KeyExists(uKeyExpr)
 LOCAL nSavRecord := RECNO()
 // Save the current record pointer position
 LOCAL lFound
 SEEK uKeyExpr
 IF (lFound := Found())
         .  <Statements>
 GOTO nSavRecord        // Restore the record pointer
                                         // position
 RETURN lFound



See Also

DbGoTo(), DbSetFilter(), DBSetRelation(), LastRec(), RecNo(), SetDeleted() , SET RELATION, SKIP