Calls a procedure or function, and optionally passes arguments to the called routine.
DO <idProcedure> [WITH <uValueArgList>]
<idProcedure> | The name of the procedure or function to execute. |
WITH <uValueArgList> | A comma-separated list of arguments to pass to <idProcedure>. |
DO performs the same action as a function or procedure specified on a line by itself with the exception that variables other than field variables are passed by reference as the default.
In order to pass a field variable as an argument, enclose it in parentheses, unless you declare it with the FIELD statement or specify it with an alias.
This example executes a procedure with no parameters:
DO AcctsRpt
AcctsRpt() // Preferred method
The next example executes a procedure passing two constants:
DO QtrRpt WITH "2nd", "Sales Division"
// Preferred method
QtrRpt("2nd", "Sales Division")
In this example, a procedure is executed with the first argument passed by value and the second passed by reference:
nNumber := 12
DO YearRpt WITH nNumber + 12, nNumber
// Preferred method
YearRpt(nNumber + 12, @nNumber)
Here, a procedure is invoked with skipped arguments embedded in the list of arguments:
DO DisplayWindow WITH ,,,,"My Window"
// Preferred method
DisplayWindow(,,,,"My Window")