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Declare a class name to the compiler.


 [Attributes] [Modifiers]        CLASS <idClass> [FROM <idParentClass>]  [SHARING <idParentClass,...>]
 [IMPLEMENTS <idInterface>[, <IdInterface2>,..]



 [CLASS] METHOD [<ClassName>:] <MethodName> [( [<Parameters,...>] )]




AttributesAn optional list of one or more attributes that describe meta-information for am entity, such as, for example, the [TestMethod] attribute on a method containing tests in a MsTest class library. Please note that Attributes must be on the same line or suffixed with a semi-colon when they are written on the line above that keyword.        


ModifiersAn optional list of modifiers that specify the visibility or scope of the entity; allowed values are STATIC, FREEZE and FINAL.


<idClass>A valid identifier name for the class.  A class is an entity and, as such, shares the same name space as other entities.  This means that it is not possible to have a class and a global variable, for example, with the same name.


FROM <idParentClass>The name of an existing class (called a superclass) from which the new class inherits methods and instance variables (with the exception of HIDDEN). X# does NOT allow multiple inheritance.


SHARING <idParentClass>This clause is not supported by X#.


IMPLEMENTS <idInterface>The name(s) of the interface(s) that this class implements.


ClassMembersThis may be a list of variable declarations, method declarations and inline method implementations.


[CLASS] METHODThis implements one or more methods outside of the class declaration. The CLASS keyword indicates that it is a STATIC method, as opposed to an INSTANCE method.



Method Declarations

Method Implementation


See Also