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Since X# version 2.8, the use of .editorconfig files is supported. These files can be used in your solution or project to control the source code editor settings for several options, such as:

use tab or space

tab with

encoding for the source files


This allows you to synchronize the editor settings for a team and ignore individual differences between team members.


We are supporting the default tokens for .editorconfig as listed on

indent_style (tab or space)

indent_size (number)

tab_width (number)

end_of_line (cr, lf or crlf)

charset (latin1, utf-8, utf-8-bom, utf-16be or utf-16le)

trim_trailing_whitespace (true or false)

insert_final_newline (true or false)


Additionally, we have added a few X# specific options:

keyword_case (upper, lower, title or none)

udc_case (true or false)

identifier_case (true or false)

indent_namespace (true or false)

indent_type_members (true or false)

indent_type_fields (true or false)

indent_entity_content (true or false)

indent_block_content (true or false)

indent_case_label (true or false)

indent_case_content (true or false)

indent_continued_lines (true or false)

indent_preprocessor (true or false)



The settings inside the .editorconfig overrule the settings on Tools/Options for the X# editor.