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DBF Client/Server

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 1:57 pm
by FFF
lumberjack wrote:...What you discussed is what I call xdbServer, which I am working on when having free time.
I took it one step further, I can SQL to TXT, SDF, CSV, INI, DBF, PostgreSQL, RDBMS with it. The missing part at the moment is to DB<Command> to any of the above, but I am close....
Hi Johan, any news on this? On re-reading this post, it seems you talk SQL to <foreign format>, isn't that' the other way round as my suggestion?. Hopefully i'm wrong ;)

DBF Client/Server

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 6:26 pm
by lumberjack
Hi Karl,
FFF wrote:
lumberjack wrote:...What you discussed is what I call xdbServer, which I am working on when having free time.
I took it one step further, I can SQL to TXT, SDF, CSV, INI, DBF, PostgreSQL, RDBMS with it. The missing part at the moment is to DB<Command> to any of the above, but I am close....
any news on this? On re-reading this post, it seems you talk SQL to <foreign format>, isn't that' the other way round as my suggestion?. Hopefully i'm wrong ;)
No unfortunately you are wrong... However I don't see an issue to also do the other way around, using Dbf<command> to interface to SQL. Something in line of DbUseArea -> DbCommand if the RDD is "SQL"
Although my eyes are slowly recovering I still get very quickly tired, so have not really focused on developing too much, get a bit much if you work for 30 minutes and then have to take a nap (2-3 hours). Just feels unproductive as it takes every time effort to get into your train of thought again. Trying to fix currently a bug I introduced in the DD framework, but once that is completed I will focus on xdbServer and look at a DBF2SQL Rdd using standard dbf commands.
Hope this answers your question.