Hi Dick,
Since I am also a user of X#, please let also myself answer this. I don't have old VO code to maintain or improve anymore, so I only want X# for new things. Being used to using verbose languages only (started programming in BASIC, then Pascal, Delphi, Clipper, VO - also wrote a lot of assembly but for very specific needs), I can't stand writing/reading c/c++/c# code, so I am extremely happy to have a computer language I like a lot to program in .Net with!
I could possibly use VBnet instead, but VBNet does not have a preprocessor, macro compiler, both ' and " as string delimiters, direct syntax for dbfs etc. Although currently I rarely use those features, as I am doing 99% of my programming in Core, but once we're finished with the X# runtime, I plan to write some such apps, too.
What I currently use very regularly and I am glad to have them as I didn't have them in VO, are things like method overloading, easy strong typing, interfaces, foreach (makes the code a lot cleaner and less error prone), enumerations (and enumerators), scoped locals. And of course many classes from the huge collection of classes available in the system libraries. Those are the everyday things, but of course there are a lot more to be used when needed. I am so used to all the new features that it has became very hard for me going back yo VO if I sometimes need to.
PS. Of course I am not saying everything is perfect in X# (yet
), just explaining why I like so much programming in it! Ah,forgot to mention also XIDE