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xSharp RDD Dataset

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 11:51 am
by g.bunzel@domonet.de
Hi Robert,

...as Wolfgang said: ADS is not dead.

ADS-Support for X# is VERY importent for us! ALL of our big clients are working with ADS.
To transport our VO-Apps we need a RDD for ADS. Then our next step will be switch to SQL - but that will go on step by step.
There is a Vulcan-RDD for ADS - so it should be possible, to transport that to X#.

Best regards

Gerhard Bunzel

xSharp RDD Dataset

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 12:00 pm
by robert
Gerhard Bunzel wrote:Hi Robert,

...as Wolfgang said: ADS is not dead.

ADS-Support for X# is VERY importent for us! ALL of our big clients are working with ADS.
To transport our VO-Apps we need a RDD for ADS. Then our next step will be switch to SQL - but that will go on step by step.
There is a Vulcan-RDD for ADS - so it should be possible, to transport that to X#.
The Vulcan RDD is not written in VO/Vulcan but in C#. Its source is not available and copyright SAP so we can't transport that.
However we realize that Advantage is VERY important. That is why the Advantage RDD is the first RDD on our list. An advantage (pun intended) of this approach is that ADS supports DBF/DBT/NTX and DBF/FPT/CDX out of the box. The underlying database engine is tested and working. So "all" we have to do is to implement the RDD layer.


xSharp RDD Dataset

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 12:08 pm
by ic2
as Wolfgang said: ADS is not dead.
It is certainly important that X# supports ADS, but just as with VO, it's to keep things working. Clients of ours, or at least some of them, may use VO applications for years to come But that doesn't mean I will ever try to contact Grafx to buy additional VO licenses. No Grafx based forum exists and if you mail the owner of Grafx you will not get a reply.

Same situation is for ADS. With a lot of effort you *may* find someone replying to your question. The last time I tried because of a client interested in ADS server we had to find an alternative solution because I was not able to get a reply from anyone at SAP during weeks.

I call that 'the product is dead'. We only have to wait for a childish web page "SAP ADS is closing down business" and the analogy with Grafx is 100% equal.


xSharp RDD Dataset

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 12:24 pm
by g.bunzel@domonet.de
Hi Robert,

thanks for your fast answer.

However we realize that Advantage is VERY important. That is why the Advantage RDD is the first RDD on our list.

That are very good news for use!

Best regards

Gerhard Bunzel

xSharp RDD Dataset

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:11 am
by wriedmann
I have done some tests with the ApolloDB engine, and I like the idea of an SQL layer over DBFs very, very much.

I had tought that implementing something similar in X# would be not that important because the ApolloDB product exists, and has also a dedicated server (unfortunately not as Windows service) with a very interesting license.

But I had to rethink about this:
- first I have not been able to contact the ApolloDB people (or better, they don't answered)
- second I have not been able to buy a ApolloDB license as strangely my creditcards were declined
- third the SQL layer seems to have some shortcomings. One of the most important IMHO is that you cannot use a "select * from" when the table contains a memo field, and you cannot use memofields directly in a select.

I don't know if someone other was able to reach them - it would be really a pity for them and for us to loose the opportunity of a collaboration between X# and ApolloDB.

For some small customers (speaking about 1-3 PCs without any dedicated server) DBFs IMHO seem to be still the best database solution.


xSharp RDD Dataset

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:08 pm
by Jamal
Hi Wolfgang,

I have a license for version 7 which I bought several years ago, but did not fully utilize it due to some issues that arose later on due to CDX files and field length limitations; so I put it on the shelf. The only difference is that the current version supports 32 and 64 bit and late MS Framework 4.7.

My first post was precisely to see xSharp can my read my VO tables with existing CDX files as is, i.e. full compatibility and the SQL server syntax and server capability.
Did you try sales@apollodb.com ?


xSharp RDD Dataset

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:13 pm
by wriedmann
Hi Jamal,

first I tried to write to that address. Then, after a few days of waiting, I resent my message to the same address, and a few days after I tried the web form, and then again the web form when my try to buy failed.
None of these messages has been answered, unfortunately.


xSharp RDD Dataset

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:27 pm
by Jamal
That's unfortunate! Maybe it is a side job for them or it is a sign that they will be out of business just like CodeBase.

xSharp RDD Dataset

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:53 pm
by FFF
just went to the site and tried to get the "Trial". The "Instructions for download" email needed some minutes, and the d/l worked. So at least the processing seems to be working ;)

xSharp RDD Dataset

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:59 pm
by wriedmann

yes, the demo download works, and I have done my tests with this version.

And the most recent DLL is from January 2018, so I think there must be some interest...
