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ILSpy xsproj

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 2:10 pm
by Fabrice
Hi Franz,
first, I'm happy that you are the X# Plugin for ILSpy.
This is still a work-in-progress, in the sense that it has some issues; but I'm pleased to correct them as soon as I'm aware of them.
Don't forget that we are only view the compiler-generated code, and (like with Linq) What you code is NOT always what is generated.

That said, the "e" should not be within quotes: It specify that the text could contains some escaped chars to keep as-is.
The Super call is here, because that's whats the Compiler is generating: The Size property is coming from the SuperClass.
Finally, the (Graphics)(Object) seems to be Cast on a Cast...Why does the Compiler generates these....Mmm... Good Question! :)
But, this the way ILSpy is analyzing the code that produced it; and I'm just Plugged In ILSpy

That said, I can/will correct the first one, as I am generating this "escape" indication (and wrongly!)
For the two, others...Sorry.... but ILSpy is continuously improving; and the current version is 7.xx where I only provide a 6.xx version; maybe it's time for me to move to the newest version.


ILSpy xsproj

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 5:56 am
by lagraf
Hi Fabrice,
thank you for answering my question. I can understand that decompiling is a hard work, I already have some experience with Valkyrie the Clipper decompiler. The first reason why I use the X# Plugin is, because I use a meanwhile unsupported C# DLL with my VO apps that I try to replace somewhere in the future with X#. The second is that I try learning X# by translating C# code from internet sources.

If you improve the plugin for use with newest IlSpy and correct some outstanding mistakes it would be a great help for me and other X# beginners, so thank you for this work!

ILSpy xsproj

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 9:56 am
by lagraf
Hi Fabrice,
as I actually try to translate some C# routines to X# using ILSpy X# plugin I found more an more translation errors. Do you need some of the outstanding errors to improve the plugin?

ILSpy xsproj

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:19 am
by Fabrice
Hi Franz,

yes please, if you can send me some wrongly generated pieces of code, I will try to improve my plugin.

But in order to keep things at the right place, I've just created a new topic for that :
https://www.xsharp.eu/forum/public-3rdp ... hancements
