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German conference / event

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 3:36 pm
by wriedmann
Hi Karl,
My suggestion would be Memmingen - not because i'm there
why not because you are there?
It is not my decision, but having someone there is a strong point.

P.S. unfortunately the distance is too much for my car.... I would need a 2 hours recharging pause in the middle as I have no fast charging option <g> So I have to take the car of my wife....

German conference / event

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 4:42 pm
by Bernhard Mayer
Would be interested, too


German conference / event

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 9:46 am
by markus.lorenzi@dvbern.ch
I am intersted too.
Memmingen would also be perfect (less than one hour by car).


German conference / event

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:20 am
by FFF
robert wrote:We are planning to do a conference / event in Germany end of this year (most likely in October).
Watch your mail, sent some details i got today.

German conference / event

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:19 pm
by mainhatten
FFF wrote:My suggestion would be Memmingen - not because i'm there ;), but the combination of highway crossroad, railway crossroad and airport with a 45k town is rather unique...
Centering location to the medium travel distance makes sense. Back in vfp days we had probably a lesser percentage from Austria, Switzerland and Italy, even fewer from Netherlands and Denmark (Tore from Norway not counted: he did travel anywhere for vfp).
On East-West: vfp conference had more visitors from previous east block countries than France. No idea what the numbers on VO / Clipper devs were/are, but perhaps location easier to reach from Poland, Czechoslovakia or more southern former East block countries might tempt users from there, no idea how much prices are reduced to combat cross border offers, Language probably also less of a problem on that side.

But location on the map is secondary to location we will be sitting in: if you get a great deal in Memmingen or elsewhere in center or western Bavaria, people from the east probably will have no problem driving an H more if cost/value there is better.

my 0.02€

P.S. If someone is flying in via F for the occasion, contact me in advance..

German conference / event

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:52 pm
by wriedmann
my current count (please correct me!) is:
Italy: 4
Germany: 3
Switzerland: 1
Austria: 1
Maybe we have to add The Netherlands (Robert), and maybe France (Fabrice?) or Greece (Nikos?).
So currently a location like Memmingen seems to make absolute sense.
It is strange that not more people seems to answers here! Maybe we need to do a bit of marketing, contacting other people we know they are interested.

German conference / event

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 2:57 pm
by ecos
One more from Germany (near Karlsruhe)


German conference / event

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 3:19 pm
by FFF
mainhatten wrote:But location on the map is secondary to location we will be sitting in: if you get a great deal in Memmingen or elsewhere in center or western Bavaria, people from the east probably will have no problem driving an H more if cost/value there is better.
Yes. BTW, just had a look, there are now 50 targest for summer flightplan of FMM announced:
Alghero, Alicante, Amman/, Antalya, Athen, Banja Luka, Barcelona, Belgrad, Brindisi, Bukarest, Chania, Chisinau/Moldawien, Cluj-Napoca/Rumänien , Dublin, Edinburgh, Faro/, Gjumri/Armenien, Heraklion, Hurghada/, Kyiv/Ukraine, Kutaisi/Georgien, Lissabon, Lviv/Ukraine, London-Stansted, Malaga, Marrakesch, Moskau, Nis/Serbien, Ohrid/Nordmazedonien, Palma de Mallorca, Palermo, Podgorica/Montenegro, Porto, Pristina/Kosovo, Rhodos, Sevilla, Sibiu/Rumänien, Skopje/Nordmazedonien, Sofia, Suceava/Rumänien, Tel Aviv, Temeswar, Thessaloniki, Tirana, Targu Mures/, Tuzla/Bosnien & Herzegowina, Varna/Bulgarien, Zadar, (Charter:, Calvi, Neapel)

Knew the airport grows, but hadn't expected as much ;)

German conference / event

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 5:59 pm
by g.bunzel@domonet.de
... and one more from Germany (near Passau)


German conference / event

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 8:37 am
by lumberjack
I think I have found the bug in my DDEngine, would love to come if I can afford it.