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Using ReportPro2

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 1:57 pm
by UlrichT
I have just sent a sample to Chris.

Using ReportPro2

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 3:07 pm
by Chris
Hi Ulrich,

Thanks, I am seeing several issues, some are just typos, others we/you need to take care of:

1. There's a typo in the code in Start():

RddSetDefault( "DBFCDXX" ) // remove the double X

2. PrintPreview() is called with

oReport:PrintPreview(cJobName, cPrint2Filename, cCaption, cMessage, TRUE, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED, 0, #test)

the last param whould be #NULL_SYMBOL

3. RP fails to open the dbf, because it is already opened by the code in exclusive mode, in
oDB := dbSErver{"c:testSales.dbf"}

You must remove this line or change it to dbSErver{"c:testSales.dbf" , TRUE}

4. This is a version of RP2 which has not been compiled with the latest runtime, and it uses functions with different casing than the current one, such as Pow() which is used as POW()

So I'd say please wait a few days, until we release a new X# build and also a newer version of RP2. Also indeed we need to make the RP2 method calls more compatible to that of VO, because the way they are now, it is difficult to know what to change, causing problems like (2). I am very surprised this was not brought up very often in the vulcan days as well, maybe very few people used RP with vulcan...

Using ReportPro2

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 3:56 pm
by UlrichT
Hi Chris,

thanks for your answer.
So I will wait.
