I'm now trying to find a correct error handling procedure with central exception handlers, but I'm not sure if this is a good practice.
Please see the following code:
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function Start( ) as void
local oProcessing as Processing
oProcessing := Processing{}
oProcessing:ExceptionHandler := HandleException
function HandleException( oEx as Exception ) as logic
System.Console.WriteLine( "Exception occurred:" + oEx:Message )
return true
delegate ExceptionHandler( oEx as Exception ) as logic
class Processing
public property ExceptionHandler as ExceptionHandler auto
method Process() as void
local u as object
System.Console.WriteLine("Testing Exception Handler")
u := "Hi"
u := int( u ) + 123
catch oEx as Exception
if self:ExceptionHandler != null
self:ExceptionHandler:Invoke( oEx )
end try
end class
As background: I'm writing a production planning software that can be used with a GUI and only from command line (as planned task), and delegating the error handling from the library to the calling executable helps me cover all needs.
P.S. this is inspired by the VO Errorblock and the discussion about error handling in migrated VO applications