xsharp.eu • Visibility of the DBServer class
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Visibility of the DBServer class

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:43 am
by Karl-Heinz
local oDB as DBServer

oDB := DBServer { "Test" }

to compile this you must add the references:


But you still get a "Type or Namespace DBServer not found" compile error. If you check the compiler setting "/INS" it compiles and the namespace "VO" is silently added to the assembly. However, in XIDE -and i think in VS too ? -, still neither a Tooltip nor the DBServer methods etc. Listbox are displayed. To make them visible you must manually add the namespace "VO" to your code.


Now the DBserver Tooltip and Listbox are shown, and - at least in this context - "/INS" no longer needs to be checked. It would be nice if the DBServer would automatically become visible - like the runtime funcs do - as soon a VORDDClasses reference is added.


Visibility of the DBServer class

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:17 am
by robert
Karl-Heinz ,

In VS this works.For XIDE Chris probably is checking for the ClassLibrary attribute and ImplicitNamespace attribute from Vulcan but not yet for the same attributes in the XSharp runtime. This is a relatively small thing to implement and shoud be available in the next release of XIDE.


Visibility of the DBServer class

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 2:07 pm
by Chris

Yeah, it's what Robert said, XIDE still assumes you are using the vulcan runtime. Can't change it fully to X# runtime yet, since it is still under development and many people are still using the vulcan one.

I wanted to avoid the complexities and effort of implementing support for both at the same time, because this will only be for a very small period of time, soon the vulcan runtime will be completely history, so that extra code will be soon useless.

But having said that, I see that it becomes important to have better support for this also during testing, so I will add proper support at least for the /ins setting, will send you an update.