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Time passes...

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 4:48 pm
by ArneOrtlinghaus
I looked a little bit into what we have done in our company to bring our programs to Dotnet:

- 2007-2009 Ideas to move to Vulcan
- "Wave 1": Autumn 2009 until end of 2010: First Conversion phase to Vulcan
- "Wave 2": Autumn 2014 until end of 2016: Second conversion phase to Vulcan
- "Wave 3": Begin 2017 until end of 2017: Third conversion phase X# with Vulcan Runtime
- "Wave 4": Autumn 2018 until ???: " Forth conversion phase X# with X# Runtime

Of course I have not spent all this time only for the conversions - the normal Win32 development with VO always had a higher priority.

So 2019 may be a good year for finishing this work.
Currently I am satisfied with the progress. Much is already working, every week is a good step ahead.


Time passes...

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 7:12 am
by wriedmann
Hi Arne,

my story is different. It took a long time until I saw the need of a move to .NET.
My first need of a .NET program and my start was a small console program to interact with BITS in the year 2012, followed by a WinForms program written in the same year (this application today is running compiled with X# and the X# runtime).
The next years I have repeated my tries to move my VO programs to Vulcan, and some of these migrations are used also today (compiled with X#) for my internal needs, like my FTPExplorer.
Later, in the year 2016, I have started the development of my first X# application, WPF and X# Core (the Door Configurator), followed with some other smaller WPF applications, like an application for a drawings database.
And I have my first migrated VO aplication in production. This project started as VO application, but was moved later to X# and completed as X# application, but unfortunately the Vulcan runtime as I need to access DBFCDX databases.
I'm awaiting now the release of the DBFCDX RDD and hopefully next year I will begin to move my first VO applications to the X# runtime (my internally used Dictionary Editor is running with Vulcan and X# for about 3 years now, but always with the Vulcan runtime, as my dictionary is using DBCFDX).
And yes, for the migration process we have started to seek another developer....
P.S. I hope to dedicate more time to the X# Tools library and the X# Documentation project when we have finished all works for the electronic invoice that starts in Italy with 2019 (all invoices need to be XML and sent through a platform maintained by the Taxes Department).

Time passes...

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 7:23 am
by lumberjack
Hi Arne,
My story a bit different. Started a new job in 2008 and then was asked to develop a new software application in .NET with C#. Sure I said, .NET it will be. Used initially the Evaluation version of Vulcan and immediately data-drive WinForms and subsequently Reports, added Document management and couple of smaller re-usable components.

Was suppose to run it on an Oracle DB, but installed PostgreSQL and pushed to have it in working condition before the Evaluation expired. Never looked back, although a lot of late nights and swearing...

Then came X# and the opportunity to re-do my data-driven via my Data-driven article series that was started on VOPS.

Unfortunately due to health, it took a bit of a back-stage, but feeling confident it will soon progress again.

It is not so much the conversion to .NET/X# that is a problem, it is taking that first step in committing to do it rather I believe...

Good luck, and again hats off to the X# team!

Time passes...

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:37 pm
by Karl-Heinz
In 2019 we´ll also celebrate the 25th anniversary of VO !

Maybe some VO sources even survive another 25 years - compiled with X# of course :-)
