xsharp.eu • Overtaking Vulcan Projects into X# Projects
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Overtaking Vulcan Projects into X# Projects

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 7:05 am
by ArneOrtlinghaus
I am working with Vulcan in VS. I have now installed the new X#-Release. So I tried to find a simple solution to overtake the projects into X#.
- First I have made a test project in X# and inserted the compiler settings as I have them in Vulcan.
- I have copied this file into the file Xsprojtemplate.txt as attached.
- I exchanged some project specific text with place holders for single values:
- I deleted the itemgroups and inserted a placeholder {VNITEMGRPS}
- Now with the code in XSConverter.prg I read the VNPROJ-File, read the data necessary, read the template, substitute the variables and save it as a XSPROJ-File in the same directory.
- To the item groups with the references the two DLLs VULCANRT and VULCANRTFUNCS have to be added.
- Then I made a new solution file and added the XSProj files using the same code.

Currently I am stuck with some compiler errors, but I am sure that with the next build of X# I can go on.


Overtaking Vulcan Projects into X# Projects

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 6:32 pm
by robert
Thanks for your contribution.
For the next build of X# we are planning to include a tool inside Visual Studio that will read a solution, and process all Vulcan projects in the solution and will create X# project files for each project (with new project guids) , and which will adjust all references between projects to make sure that all references are updated. Finally a new version of the solution is created.

We already have a command line version of the tool, but it needs a proper UI.
I will look at your code and will see if there is anything in there that we are missing.
