xsharp.eu • Porting VO 2.8 SP4 app to X#
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Porting VO 2.8 SP4 app to X#

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 7:27 am
by rjpajaron

Our app uses RP3 and bBrowser.

Last time I check, there is bBrowser for Vn and RP3 for Vn (full source).

How can I port to X# our VO apps without Vulcan (which I have but it still in 1.0).

We have patience, hence we are still in VO and it is running good.

But, I can see it is much better to move it to .NET for multi-programmer support.

Any ideas when X# ready for primetime and the issues on porting my apps, anything I need to know before jumping in with Fox program.



Porting VO 2.8 SP4 app to X#

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 2:45 am
by rjpajaron
Basically, I wanted to know if bBrowser.NET and ReportPro.NET can be compiled cleanly by Xsharp now, Would I need Vulcan Runtime or I will just wait for the time when I totally will no longer consider Vulcan anymore in my equation.


Porting VO 2.8 SP4 app to X#

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:35 am
by wriedmann
Hi Rene,

I'm not a member of the development team, but I'm using X# on y regular basis, also for production applications.

Currently X# is not able to compile VO or Vulcan code - the development team is working heavily on the development of the compiler and the runtime libraries. If they respect the planned timeframe, this part of the project should be finished in autumn.

For the migration of VO applications, Robert has a very interesting option:

"If you bring the source to the VO SDK projects (which is included with your Vulcan distribution) then we will generate optimized SDK libraries from that code that support Unicode GUI classes (built on top of Windows Forms) and Unicode SQL Classes (built on top of the Ado.NET data providers) and we will also optimize some of the bases classes as can be found in the System classes and RDD Classes. Common properties will be strongly typed to increase the performance of your code, without losing backward compatibility."

(extract from the february roadmap).

This will be the migration path for my own larger VO applications, but since these are currently only plans, I cannot say how much work it will be to base my applications on these new classes.

Personally, for new developments I have planned to use WPF and the Core dialect of X#, and I would recommend everyone to get started now or at least in the coming months because it takes time to understand all the new concepts the .NET world gives us.


Porting VO 2.8 SP4 app to X#

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:28 pm
by robert

For this to work you should buy the .Net version of bBrowser and ReportPro with source.
Then you can recompile these products in X#.

I do not think we will support Vulcan 1.0. Vulcan 3 and 4 should not be a problem, Vulcan 2 might work.

Like Wolfgang said: we are working VERY hard to be compatible with Vulcan.
In the coming week or two you can expect a version that is very complete.
Not 100% but workable.


rjpajaron wrote:Hello,

Our app uses RP3 and bBrowser.
Last time I check, there is bBrowser for Vn and RP3 for Vn (full source).
How can I port to X# our VO apps without Vulcan (which I have but it still in 1.0).
We have patience, hence we are still in VO and it is running good.
But, I can see it is much better to move it to .NET for multi-programmer support.
Any ideas when X# ready for primetime and the issues on porting my apps, anything I need to know before jumping in with Fox program.



Porting VO 2.8 SP4 app to X#

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:58 pm
by rjpajaron
Hi Robert,

Let me know someone out there already able to compile RP3 and bBrowser for Vn without any problems.

I am also want to about VO2Ado and VO2Btrieve. Contact me in my email, I have something to ask about my existing license.



Porting VO 2.8 SP4 app to X#

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:39 am
by robert

Do you mean someone that compiled RP3 and bBrowser for VN with X# ?
I am not aware that anyone tried that already, but for now that should not be necessary to use these components. If you have the compiled version of the assemblies they should work just fine with X#.

I will personally try to compile them in the coming weeks. Right now I am very busy getting the next build out. We made some significant changes to the project system (to support .designer.prg for the forms editor, support for .RC files, support for dependent items etc) that need some more testing before it can be released.

I will send you a PM about the products


Porting VO 2.8 SP4 app to X#

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:03 am
by rjpajaron
Hi Roberts,

Thanks for information.

I already emailed you some pertinent questions about your products.

