xsharp.eu • Question about “Create COM Interop Assemblies”
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Question about “Create COM Interop Assemblies”

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:49 am
by Anonymous

I have a “VO-import program” that need the IXMLDOMDocument{}.

When I start the tool: “Create assemblies form” Choose: “Microsoft XML, v6.0” , Import type: TLBimp.exe, the XIDE 1.11 freeze.
The Importer “Aximp.exe” works and I see the result in the “COM-tab-page”, but the Add-button doesn’t response. (it is not possible to include it)

Is there a way to include this ?

Thanks a lot for the response,

Johan Kwaspen

Question about “Create COM Interop Assemblies”

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 12:16 pm
by Chris
Hi Johan,

I am also seeing that problem, what happens is that XIDE calls tlbimp.exe and waits for it to exit, but for some reason it never exits with the Microsoft XML libraries, hence the freeze. For the next version I will add a timeout of a few seconds so the IDE does not freeze, but I don't know why tlbimp does not work with those libraries and a goggle search didn't show something either.

Can you please try creating them from VS instead, to see if that works? Just create a new x# or c# project in it (any type) and add a reference to this library. VS should create the dlls for the library (also by using tlbimp) and will add them as references to the project. Now you can just copy those dlls anywhere you like in your disk and add direct references to them also in your XIDE apps.


Question about “Create COM Interop Assemblies”

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 2:01 pm
by FFF
seemt to remember, i had the same problem sometime ago, "no go" from Xide, "no problem" from VS...


Question about “Create COM Interop Assemblies”

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 6:25 pm
by Chris
Hi Karl,

Yeah, it's a microsoft tool and a microsoft (XML) library, so it makes sense that they know better how to use the tool to work properly with their library :)
Unfortunately I couldn't find an indication on what the actual problem might be, so I can fix that in XIDE as well..


Question about “Create COM Interop Assemblies”

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 1:05 pm
by JKW
Hello Chris, Karl

Thanks for your reply,
I could continue, I write the method in order to X# code.
So I get the X # in the fingers.


Johan Kwaspen