xsharp.eu • Editor Wars
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Editor Wars

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 3:12 pm
by robert
Some of us are old enough to remember the editor wars:
Later in the DOS/Windows era there was also the "war" between users of Multi Edit and Brief.

What we can learn from these wars is that it is obvious that the source code editor is the tool where most of the development time is spent and if something in the editor does not "feel right" then it can annoy you and ruin your working day.

We have recently made some changes to our VS editor integration (mostly in response to requests from the community) and the results are apparently not what was expected from these changes.
As a result there are almost a dozen new editor related issues in our GitHub system (and there was only one new issue w.r.t the compiler, which has been fixed).

I know that the editor is important to all of you, but can we please, please keep the atmosphere on this forum friendly and refrain from repeated negative posts about the editor, indenting or IDEs in General.
If you have an issue, create a ticket in our Github system (please check if it has not been reported before) and we will look at the issue a.s.a.p.

We will, I repeat, we will, fix these issues, but in the bigger picture of the X# product the editor only plays a small role.
Important, but small. You could develop X# with Emacs if VI if you wanted

We realize that the editor is the part where the majority of your development time is spent, but we do not want to spend the majority of our development time on the editor alone.
There are also other things that are very important, such as:

- Getting ready for the next version of .Net. (some of you may argue that you don't need the next version of .Net, but we want to be ready when you want it).
This means:
- prepare the build system
- make sure that the runtime works on .Net 5, 6, 7
- make sure you can develop and debug applications for these new frameworks
- Finishing the VFP converter and VFP runtime
- Finishing the work on the Unicode / AnyCPU VO compatible UI classes
- Finishing the work on the XBase Client/Server RDD (XDS)
- Adding new features to the VS IDE, such as improved debugger support
- Meeting customers at our X# Summit in Germany 2 weeks from now.
- And there are many more things.


Editor Wars

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 1:19 pm
by ArneOrtlinghaus
Probably many users did not have to pass years of their lives with the editors of the early VO-Versions with a closed system making it impossible to use external editors (or the early editors of Borland Pascal) B)

I understand that the editor is an important tool and that it influences the feeling and working so much as the editor is the "face of the IDE we see". But as you say: There are also other things that are very important.
