xsharp.eu • seeing is believing !? - logged in members
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seeing is believing !? - logged in members

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:25 pm
by Phil Hepburn
Hi Robert,

According to the details at the bottom of my Forum index page, at this UK lunchtime, we (the X# forum) had a total of one less than three hundred members logged in. 5 'FOX' guys and 294 guests.

Is this correct ? If so its 'huge' ;-0)

For some reason I feel it is a false value, and I may have seen the same 294 value in the past. Could we get some sort of spurious number when the total passes a certain value ? Or does one number graphically only partially over-write an earlier (underneath) value ?

Is there any way you can confirm this or otherwise ?

Wales, UK.

seeing is believing !? - logged in members

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 4:09 pm
by FFF
i'd suspect folks log in and don't log out, to get correct "new" hints when visiting next time.

While the mail-notification helps to stay current, naturally it won't track new threads, where one hasn't set it...

@Robert: could we get a "notify me for any new post" option?

seeing is believing !? - logged in members

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 4:15 pm
by robert

I am afraid that is not correct.

We did "suffer" from an attack today. Some script kiddies or the KGB/FSB tried to register fake accounts on the website, with fake email addresses. This did not work because we require a confirmation before opening the new account.
I just deleted some 50 unconfirmed new accounts...
Maybe you saw the number when they were attacking the site.


seeing is believing !? - logged in members

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 6:16 pm
by Phil Hepburn
Thanks Robert,

I appreciate your openness and honesty.

What a sad world we live in ;-0(

Still, onwards and upwards !


seeing is believing !? - logged in members

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 7:58 am
by robert

Yes very sad. I had to delete another 20 'fake users' this morning. This is becoming part of my daily routine...

Well the positive side: apparently our website is important enough to be targeted by people.
