xsharp.eu • X# code editor performance in VS2019 (Cahors 2.6a)
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X# code editor performance in VS2019 (Cahors 2.6a)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:29 am
by chiwi
Hi everyone

We are experiencing some major performance issues in when editing X# code (PRG files) in VS2019. After about 5 mins of working fine, VS2019 will intermittently hang for serval seconds (sometimes tens of seconds) every ca. 30-60 seconds or sometimes on every keypress.

It makes editing code almost impossible and have had to resort to using VSCode to edit files. We have tried reinstalls of VS2019, repairs of VS2019, one developer also started with a completely fresh windows install. But the issue still reoccurs. Deleting the X#Model DB file in the .vs folder doesn’t help either.

Has anyone had similar problems?

We can edit small X# test projects in VS with no problem. Which leads us to believe, it may have something to do with the size of project. Its not massive project, but not small either. About 350K lines of X# (VO Dialect) over about 1000 files.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



X# code editor performance in VS2019 (Cahors 2.6a)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:15 am
by Chris
Hi Duncan,

It should not be a problem having 350K lines of code, but maybe something in the structure (maybe too many inter references?) may be causing this. Also please check in Options, is "Show completion list after a character is typed" under Text Editor/XSharp/Intellisense enabled? If yes, please disable this, restart VS and try again, because this can indeed slow down things a lot.

X# code editor performance in VS2019 (Cahors 2.6a)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:30 am
by chiwi
Hi Chris

Thanks for the reply.

Yeah when I was combing through the settings looking for solutions I saw this setting. It is however disabled on my and everyone elses machine. I think thats the default anyway?


X# code editor performance in VS2019 (Cahors 2.6a)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:34 am
by Chris
Hi Duncan,

Yes, the default is disabled. Can you please check the machine's status when you experience the slowdown? What's the memory consumption, is it on the limit? How about the CPU usage, maybe it's very high? Sometimes it's the compiler process (XSCompiler.exe) that starts using a lot of CPU power even when idle and can cause such issues. If yes, please try killing it from the task manager, does this improve things?

X# code editor performance in VS2019 (Cahors 2.6a)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 11:47 am
by ic2
Hello Duncan,

chiwi wrote: It makes editing code almost impossible ...
Has anyone had similar problems?
My employee who recently did do quite some editing had the same problem. Quite some work was done to solve this but according to him the resulting improvement was hardly noticeable. See also https://www.xsharp.eu/forum/private-pro ... ning#13915.

We do not want to disable Intellisense. This is already less than in VO.

It is often better to edit in VO (if the code used is very VO like) where Intellisense is very good, and then paste it in VS later.

You could also consider Xide which does not have these performance problems but in our case that is not an option unfortunately as we have WPF screens and want to see that integrated including the Design view.

It would be great if it could be fixed but it seems that trying to fix issues in VS is not a simple task (as trying to fix anything from Microsoft which is not working well).


X# code editor performance in VS2019 (Cahors 2.6a)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:08 pm
by FFF
ic2 wrote:You could also consider Xide which does not have these performance problems but in our case that is not an option unfortunately as we have WPF screens and want to see that integrated including the Design view.
Correct me, if i'm wrong, but wasn't there a way to access a project/ code base simultanously from VS and Xide? if so, couldn't you put the wpf design into a lib and handle only this in VS, while "using" it in Xide?

X# code editor performance in VS2019 (Cahors 2.6a)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 9:09 pm
by ic2
Hello Karl,
FFF wrote:Correct me, if i'm wrong, but wasn't there a way to access a project/ code base simultanously from VS and Xide? if so, couldn't you put the wpf design into a lib and handle only this in VS, while "using" it in Xide?
As far as I know it won't work seamless. It would work if I can switch Xide and VS at will. But the project and solution files won't be synchronized for example.

Although I really hate VS I won't try that as long as that won't work and I think that would be very hard to realize, if not impossible.
