xsharp.eu • Criticism from a couple users on Foxite.com
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Criticism from a couple users on Foxite.com

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 9:38 pm
by cecilchamp
I have every confidence that things will eventually start smoothing out with the FoxPro dialect, but in the meantime, people will be throwing stones. Fabrice created a demo video that he put up on the XSharp Academy YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFqLBM ... 4xRxFGLiVA do I copied the link to Foxite.com whereupon a couple developers criticized it. I won't repeat their comments. It ticked me off.

Criticism from a couple users on Foxite.com

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 11:19 pm
by Chris
Criticism is usually very useful, although sometimes it could be due to misunderstandings. I think it is absolutely fine to repeat their comments, so we can either address them if they are wrong, or learn from them if they are correct.

Criticism from a couple users on Foxite.com

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 7:44 am
by lumberjack
Hi Chris,
Chris wrote:Criticism is usually very useful, although sometimes it could be due to misunderstandings. I think it is absolutely fine to repeat their comments, so we can either address them if they are wrong, or learn from them if they are correct.
Well they basically said "A 10 minute video for a Hello World application in X#?"

I did respond that the video is actually full of X# Visual Studio integration features...

Criticism from a couple users on Foxite.com

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 11:07 am
by Karl-Heinz
cecilchamp wrote:I have every confidence that things will eventually start smoothing out with the FoxPro dialect, but in the meantime, people will be throwing stones. Fabrice created a demo video that he put up on the XSharp Academy YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFqLBM ... 4xRxFGLiVA do I copied the link to Foxite.com whereupon a couple developers criticized it. I won't repeat their comments. It ticked me off.
Hi Cecil,

i´ve looked at the foxit thread "Simple X# Console application" and i agree, the two users complaining that the video "doesn´t show that much", sound (a little) rude. Hard to understand: If I'm not really interested in a post and i even do not understand what it's all about, why do i write such overbearing comments like both did ...

ok, let's go back to solve real issues ;-)


Criticism from a couple users on Foxite.com

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 1:26 pm
by Chris
Hi Johan,
lumberjack wrote:Hi Chris,
Chris wrote:Criticism is usually very useful, although sometimes it could be due to misunderstandings. I think it is absolutely fine to repeat their comments, so we can either address them if they are wrong, or learn from them if they are correct.
Well they basically said "A 10 minute video for a Hello World application in X#?"

I did respond that the video is actually full of X# Visual Studio integration features...
OK, thanks, I understand now! This video is about the very, very, VERY basic first steps with X# and it is not what the guys expected to see. If people want to see a proof of concept of X#, I think the best way is to show this https://www.xsharp.eu/examples, a small collection of apps written in X# already more than 2 years ago (hmm, now I realize we need to update this section with more and newer X# apps!!!!). Or they can have a look also in XIDE, which is also written in X#... Later, when we have more progress in the FoxPro dialect, we can show nice FoxPro samples as well.

Criticism from a couple users on Foxite.com

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 1:41 pm
by cecilchamp
Agreed. We probably need to, once the FoxPro dialect is further along, get some more examples up.

Criticism from a couple users on Foxite.com

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 12:18 pm
by Terry
Chris / Johan et al

Another positive take on all this could be that it illustrates the need for Strong Typing.

As far as getting examples up - great!

I am conscious that it is very easy to throw in comments from the side lines for someone else to do. But what about a Book? Remember the old CAVO books that fell apart!? Today we have glue.

The time to structure such a book is now, by newcomers whilst the problems they face are still uppermost in their minds.

I speak as someone who used VO in its early days and then jumped ship. I am doing other things now, but trying to follow along here makes me realise how much I have forgotten.

Just a thought
