xsharp.eu • Lookimng forward to Southwest Fox Conference in October and the X# Demo
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Lookimng forward to Southwest Fox Conference in October and the X# Demo

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 1:44 pm
by cecilchamp
I am very interested in X#'s progress. Just goes to show you that Microsoft could have done this xBase development for DOT NET, but chose otherwise. Probably for the best. swfox.net

Lookimng forward to Southwest Fox Conference in October and the X# Demo

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 3:35 pm
by lumberjack
Hi Cecil,
cecilchamp wrote:I am very interested in X#'s progress. Just goes to show you that Microsoft could have done this xBase development for DOT NET, but chose otherwise. Probably for the best. swfox.net
Good to see you stopped lurking here, welcome. If you start playing around with X#, please feel free to post your questions on the forums. We a great community, as is the VFP one, and would gladly assist to get you up to speed with what X# can deliver. We probably more excited than you guys are to accept you into the XBase.NET world.

X# (vfp syntax) greetings from Sunny South Africa.