xsharp.eu • The call is ambiguous between ....: '__Psz.__Psz(string)' and '__Psz.__Psz(IntPt
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The call is ambiguous between ....: '__Psz.__Psz(string)' and '__Psz.__Psz(IntPt

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:10 am
by ArneOrtlinghaus
The following code gives the error below
local pszBuffer as psz
local ptrBuffer as ptr
pszBuffer := psz( _cast, ptrBuffer )

The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: '__Psz.__Psz(string)' and '__Psz.__Psz(IntPtr)'

Currently I do not know what should be a better conversion having to use the WINAPI functions with pointers.

(Sorry for sending so many topics in so few time, perhaps you answer too quickly, it is nice to have responses so quickly, I feel important... :-)


The call is ambiguous between ....: '__Psz.__Psz(string)' and '__Psz.__Psz(IntPt

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:58 am
by Chris

I could not reproduce this with our current build, but not with the latest FOX release either, so maybe I am trying something slightly different than you. What compiler options are you using? Can you also please post a small compilable repro sample?

See, it took a bit more time to reply this time, this needed some more research!
